Smart Mеtals: Thе Rolе of Shapе Mеmory Alloys in Modеrn Tеchnologiеs

In thе rеalm of matеrials sciеncе, a group of rеmarkablе matеrials known as shapе mеmory alloys (SMAs) has bееn quiеtly rеvolutionizing various industriеs. Thеsе smart mеtals possеss a uniquе propеrty: thеy can “rеmеmbеr” and rеturn to thеir original shapе or configuration aftеr undеrgoing dеformation. This rеmarkablе ability makеs SMAs invaluablе in modеrn tеchnologiеs, ranging from … Continue reading »Smart Mеtals: Thе Rolе of Shapе Mеmory Alloys in Modеrn Tеchnologiеs

Manufacturing Evolution: How MacBooks Support Technological Advancement in Metallurgy

The modern era of industry is marked by the introduction of advanced technologies covering almost all industries. In metallurgy, where traditional production methods are being revised under the influence of innovation, computers, and especially MacBooks, are becoming an integral element of technological progress. 1: Modern Technologies in Metallurgy Metallurgy, as an industry, is becoming much … Continue reading »Manufacturing Evolution: How MacBooks Support Technological Advancement in Metallurgy

The Importance of Metallurgy Nowadays

Many people may find this subject boring at first sight. However, knowing metallurgy basics is essential for an entrepreneur looking to start a metal business. Entrepreneurs worldwide should understand the importance of metallurgy today. It has become an integral part of a nation’s economy and cultural development. Definition of Metallurgy The science, technique, and art … Continue reading »The Importance of Metallurgy Nowadays

Metallurgy trends for 2022

With technologies changing rapidly, it becomes a challenge for most industries to stay competitive in the global market. How has the global market shifted? What trends in your industry are you seeing? Preparing for challenges is imperative for success. Trends in global metallurgy Metallurgy takes cues from other industries and is far from conservative. It … Continue reading »Metallurgy trends for 2022

Reinforced steel grades

An important trend in metallurgy today is the transition from ordinary steel grades to high-strength grades (thermo-mechanically hardened, hardened, dual-phase, hardenable by dry coating, etc.). This is especially evident in the automotive industry, where ever-increasing safety and fuel economy standards are forcing manufacturers to develop lighter, greener and more reliable machines. Conventional high-strength (HSS) and … Continue reading »Reinforced steel grades

Combined smelting and rolling processes

Speaking of metal smelting, it is worth noting that combined smelting and rolling processes are becoming increasingly widespread. A melting unit – a converter or electric furnace – is installed in one shop, continuous casting takes place on a continuous casting machine, from which only solidified hot slabs, blooms or billets go directly to rolling. … Continue reading »Combined smelting and rolling processes

Oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking processes

If we talk about modern steelmaking technologies, the key ones are the oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking processes. The martensky method of steelmaking is used less and less in the global metallurgy. And this is largely due to “green ecology” again. As is known, the open-hearth smelting process takes 9 hours, while the converter and electric … Continue reading »Oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking processes

Direct reduction of iron

The second “green” direction, which has been used in metallurgy for a long time, is the production of semifinished products for subsequent steelmaking by direct reduction of iron from high-iron raw materials by special technologies (Midrex, Arex, Hyl, etc.). The output is the so-called metallized raw material – hot-briquetted iron (HBI), metallized pellets DRI (Direct … Continue reading »Direct reduction of iron

Trends in global metallurgy

Metallurgy is actually not as conservative an industry as is commonly believed, and it is not lagging behind other industries in following major global trends. The main emphasis today is on “green steel production. This will enable the industry to withstand environmental problems and regulatory pressure. The growing demand for high-quality steel grades will require … Continue reading »Trends in global metallurgy